
ايفــــان الدراجي

كاتبة ورسامة وناشطة بحقوق الإنسان

بكالوريوس آداب انكليزي / البصرة / العراق 2005
دبلوم إدارة المشاريع و المشتريات / CIPS / UK 2015

ترجمت العديد من المقالات لعدد من الصحف والمجلات العربية والعالمية
عملت كرسامة لعدد من الصحف المحلية
نشرت لها نصوص أدبية في العديد من الصحف والمجلات ومواقع الانترنت
شاركت بعدة معارض تشكيلية ومهرجانات فنية وثقافية في البصرة وبغداد
حصلت على عدة شهادات تقديرية وجوائز رمزية عن تلك المشاركات
محررة الصفحة الانكليزية بمجلة نثر الفصلية الثقافية 2009/2010
مديرة تحرير جريدة المساواة الصادرة عن منظمة حرية المرأة في العراق 2011-2014
مديرة تحرير مجلة الشبكة الصادرة عن منظمة حرية المرأة في العراق 2015
كاتبة سيناريو أفلام قصيرة تم تصويرها مؤخرا ورشحت في عدة مهرجانات دولية

صدر لها:
1-   في الثلاجة (مسرحية بفصل واحد ضمن مجلد المسرح العربي المعاصر/ عن دار نون / مصر
2-   خمس وسبعون امرأة ألهمت وغيرت العالم:
-         ضمن أعداد مجلة الشرارة العراقية.
-         دار أكد للنشر والترجمة والتوزيع/ مصر/ 2013
3-   زجاجتان بخاصرة القلب - مجموعة شعرية عن دار الغاوون / بيروت 2013
4-   تيـــاترو (محاولات اختزال حلم مسرحي) / دار سيزيف للنشر 2014.

Evan Darraji

* B.A Degree in Literature /English Department / College of Arts –Basra University 2005

* Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply CIPS / Purchasing & Supply Management 2015

An Iraqi writer, journalist, painter, feminist and LGBT, atheist activist. Born in Basra, Iraq 1983.

Simply, I am human who refuse find a reason to kill people. Whoever for obeying their own God or following their own religion’s teachings. I refuse to be dominated by those religions, at the same time, it does not mean that I have the right to force those believers to disbelieve or abandon their religions and beliefs.  I am looking for a life where everyone is been respected whoever who he\ she is, acceptable and safe. All people are free to choose the life they want to live and be themselves.  I am human whom refuse find a reason for oppression or killing people just because they are different in terms of doctrine or sexual orientation, that is why I keep calling for a secularism as lifestyle.  Religions proved over centuries their failure to unite people or being a peace lifestyle as claimed. I believe that the world can be change to be better.

Translated many articles for many newspapers and magazines.
Worked as a painter and artistry editor for many newspapers and magazines.
Designed many book covers & posters
Published many articles (poems, essays, stories and other) in many newspapers, magazines and internet websites.
Participated in many cultural and artistry Festivals in Basra and Baghdad.
Won many value certificates and prizes about my Participated in these Festivals.
Writer for "Modern discussion center" and "Center For Women's Equality C.W.E"  and other cultural and human's establishments. Human rights Activist have many campaigns in this area.
Scriptwriter for many produced short movies such as “after Orgasm”, produced by Basra cinema center 2012. Nominated for ‘Baghdad International Film Festival’ and ‘Festival International de cinéma des jeunes à Meknes’.
Published my play book "Fe Al – Thallaja : At The Freezer" 2010 – Noon Publishing House / Egypt- "The first Volume of Modern Arabic Theatre".
Published a poem book:"zogagtan fe khasirat el khalb: two glasses in the side of the heart ". Alghawoon publishing LLC, Beirut, Lebanon, 2012.
Published a research book:" Seventy five women who inspired and changed the world". Akad Publishing, translation and distribution, Egypt, 2012.
Published my play book "Theatro" 2014 – Sisyphus Publishing House.

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